【教育訓練的不同】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.06.01) st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Remark】 網友eachouchen的回應,常常很有趣。這是震聾啟聵的他山之石,因此翻譯並轉貼。題目是我自己加的。 售屋網 【教育訓練的不同】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.06.01) 多數美國人並不聰明也不奸巧,但他們從其幼年起學習到邏輯分析,而且知道事物有多重面貌?酒店經紀C在美國,菁英的法學院強調以不同角度透過邏輯分析來探討事物。這與台灣的教育理念:「一個疑問只准許一個標準答案」完全不同。 當我們看美國所簽署的「條約」或「協議」,我們會發現他們喜好用模?土地買賣嬤漭i的用語。原因是這樣一來假使未來情勢改變了原來想法的話,可以預留討論的空間。 當1952年簽署了SFPT,當時沒有人知道60年之後會發生的事情。不過,美國已經寫下模擬兩可的用語預留了討論的空間。最後,這情況發生在美 裝潢國上訴法院的案件中,即美國仍舊擁有「暫時的主權」的權利,或用其他話來說,就是軍事佔領。 這就是美國法律體系運作的方式,永遠不把話講死,永遠預留需要時操作的空間。不要說美國人奸巧,我們要承認台灣的教育體系還有很大的進步空間。(2 室內設計010.06.01) Most American are not very smart and not tricky at all, but they learn logical analysis from their early age and also know there are many faces in everything. The elite law schools in America emphasize on looking things from different angl 酒店工作es through logical analysis. This is complete different from the educational philosophy in Taiwan of one question, one standard answer. When we look "treaty" or "agreement" signed with the USA , we can find they prefer to use not very clear jargon. The reason for this 面膜is to leave some room for argument, in case of needing to change their original thought in the future. When SFPT was signed in 1952, at that time no one knew what would happen sixty years later. However, America already wrote some ambiguous jargon to leave room for argument. Eventually, this c 住商房屋ase was found in the Appeal Court of the US that the United States still has the right of temporary sovereignty, in other words, military occupation. This is the way of how American law system works, never to say anything in dead word and always to leave some room to manipulate whenever necessary. Don' 澎湖民宿t say American are tricky, but we have to admit the training system in Taiwan still has room to improve.(2010.06.01) http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hoon-ting/article?mid=16855&prev=16868&next=16846&sc=1#yartcmt .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用卡代償  .

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